Above: "Spendour" Painted by Autumn Skye Morrison.
Jungle MAMA is for the modern woman who is in touch with her roots. Mamas today are looking for beautiful things to help them and their children be more in touch with life and with each other.
Presented is a selection of items for the positive development and bonding for Mama's and their babies. Many women are rediscovering that by listening and being closer to their babies is a more harmonious way of parenting. This re-newed approach is rooted in the jungle and found all over the world in indigenous cultures. In recent years, Dr. Sears has made popular Attachment Parenting which was inspired by the work of Jean Liedloffs' experience of living amongst the Ye'kuana people of the Venezuelan Amazon! She discovered that the babies that were carried by their mamas grew to be more independent and confident children.
a smile is the same
all over the world
- Ye'kuana children
Our collection currently features Brazilian carry slings, baby hammocks & chair swings from AMAZONAS Hammocks.
The easest and most natural way to bond with a new baby. This Baby Sling is made in Brazil and makes a great gift for new parents!
As the Ye'kuana and other indigenous cultures from all over the world, baby slings have been used for centuries. Parents slip their baby into a sling and work, play and travel - all with baby securely attached.
The Koala is a baby safe hammock with a hand sown belt for security. The softly curved back of the baby is supported ergonomically. It comes with the frame included. Jungle MAMA's love this hammock also for it's versatliy as it can be moved easily - indoors or for out in the garden.
Kangoo is suspended at one single point above the hammock.
It can be buttoned up at both ends so that the baby feels absolutely safe and snuggly; this makes Kangoo very similar to the womb. Rock baby to sleep swaying gently to and
Little ones love to enter into their own world with the Globo. The soft cushion invites one to nestle down and make oneself really comfortable to read, dream or play.
You can fasten the Kid’s Globo e.g. in the children's room with a ceiling hook or hang it in a baby stand: Carrello or Hippo.
Please Note:
Jean Liedloff is an American who lived two years with the Ye'kuana and came away from the experience with a transformed view of motherhood and children rearing.
She defined her perception of their approach to life as the Continuum Concept which later was to be the foundation of Attachment Parenting made popular by Dr. Sears.