Nete Ibo is creating a microscopic community which is off the grid and self sufficient with its economical basis primarily in healing through plant medicine in a spiritual shamanic tradition. It is from the vision of Virginia Burg. She received the information for the project from the plants during the second half of her one year traditional diet under the guidance of Maestro Guillermo Kestsembetsa a Master Shaman in traditional plant medicine and who is a Shipibo Indian.
According to her, "It will be a dream factory: a village where people can realize their dreams, grow according to their needs and still remain inside a social network even if they normally would be fall out of it."
The Village is a primary step in supporting the Shipibo Indians to re-assert their cultural knowledge as well as their position in traditional plant medicine, setting an example how they can integrate in an ethnically diversified village population while still maintaining their national identity, as well as creating an atmosphere where all inhabitants can develop according to their needs, their desires and their capabilities and leaving enough space for individual growth processes, inhabitants to have prosperous private business enterprises as well as have other work than that of a healer.
She also expects that others will settle there either living directly in the village or in the surrounding area bringing in their skills, businesses and adding to the diversification which allows a healthy growth. It can be used as a prototype for other centers which can also have an economic basis in another field.