Francisco Elias Prada

-Ojos Ilegales-

Francisco Elias Prada is a photographer who as a young person with his family left city life to go live with the indigenous people of the Alto Apure amongst the Pume, and later, in the Upper Guajira, with the Wayu of Venezuela. As a young adult he escaped from prison after being charged for subversion. All of these experiences, combined with his yearning for change, fed his creative passions in capturing human expression, especially those who live on the fringe of society like the indigenous cultures. Currently, he is working on a documentary featuring the Pemon of the Gran Sabana. And, also a film called, "South of the Time," presenting a project called "The Free Art Studio of El Tigre" intended to help give the local community an opportunity to express themselves after the fall of their land into oil interests and exploitation.


 In addition, ARTE AMAZONIA is honored

 to present his current collections of black & white photographs:


 Banished from Heaven


7 Heavens Above / 7 Heavens Below


Film Trailer: Al Sur Del Tiemo



  Please visit his blog for more info about his work and relevant insights into the challenges that indigenous cultures in Venezuela and Latin America face today.