AMOAHIKI from leandro LIMA gisela MOTTA on Vimeo.
AMOAHIKI (shamanic song trees)
Work developed after staying for a period on the Yanomami village "Watoriki" in Amazonas, Brazil. It's a 2008 video projected onto a screen of multiple layers of chopped cloth, 8' HD video intallation, loop, sound.
Gisela MOTTA,
Leandro LIMA
Ambos se formaram em Artes Visuais na Faap - 1996 -1999 - São Paulo, BR
Both studied Visual Arts at Faap - 1996 -1999 - São Paulo, BR, São Paulo, BR - 1976
Ambos vivem e trabalham em São Paulo, BR
Both Live and work in São Paulo, BR
São Paulo, BR - 1976